
The following research projects are conducted by the Flow Analysis and Simulation Team:

2024-2027 ST3AM, «Striving for gender balance via educaTion reformation, 3A factors for Advancement, and Mentorship in STEM», KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
2024-2027 ColteraTREC, «Clean and Efficient Electrochemical Heat Pumps»,  HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01
2023-2024 Bootcamp Innovate for Impact: «Transforming Digital Public Services”, GR digiGOV-innoHUB

AGRHI, ‘Agricultural Revitalization in Higher Education Institutions of Asian Countries’, ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE, ERASMUS Capacity Building, Home – «AGRHI Project – Erasmus+»

PROMATAI, ‘Development and testing of innovative solutions for the processing of hybrid materials and nanomaterials using artificial intelligence algorithms’, HORIZON-MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022, Cordis,
2022-2023 ‘Pentaload Heatsink for electronics cooling’, Consultant project, Logicdev eU, Austria
2021-2022 ‘Flow and optimization study of microfluidic biosensor’, Consultant project, Bialoom, Cyprus
2021-2022 Kalippos+, ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics’, Greece
2019-2021 Erasmus+, KA1, ICP, UNIWA- Anna University, India
2019 Optimal arrangement of ground electrodes system for the HVDC Attica-Crete very long current wire, ADMIE, UNIWA
2019-2020 ‘Magnetic navigation of nanoparticles in real human arteries’, EDBM, Hellenic Republic
2019-2020 ‘Magnetic targeting of nanoparticles across the blood-brain barrier for the purpose of thermal ablation of glioblastoma multiforme (NanoThermia)’, EDBM, Hellenic Republic
2018-2019 Simulation of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy (MagnetoNanoTherapy), 5th Call for Production Projects Accessing ARIS
2012-2016 ‘Buildings energy inspectors education in TEI of Athens’, Hellenic Republic. Tasks: EU and national laws, Thermal analysis of Buildings. Project No. 80102, TEI of Athens
2013-2015 ‘Magnetic nanoparticles for targeted MRI therapy (nanother)’, Hellenic Republic, Synergasia 2011.
1999- present ‘National program of controlled thermonuclear fusion’, Association EURATOM – Hellenic Republic.
Tasks: Development of numerical methods for the simulation of turbulent flows under the effect of magnetic fields.
2009 – 2013 COST, MP0806, “Particles in turbulence”, European Union.
2008 ‘Estimation of the MHD effects on the flowof Pb-17Li under magnetic fields produced by the DEMO machine in the proposed ENEA design for the DCLL blanket’, FPN FUS STG Nr. 23110.
2005 – 2007 Marie-Curie (Euratom, Intra-European postdoctoral fellowships), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
2004 – 2005 ‘Direct ethanol feed and oxidation in PEM fuel cells (with polymer membrane electrolyte) and simulation of the flow and transport phenomena’,“Pythagoras I”, EPEAEK.
1996 – 1997 ‘Improvement of quality and productivity of Greek glass industry’, EPET-96, Hellenic Republic.
Tasks: Development of numerical models for the simulation of flow and transport phenomena of glass in industrial melting tanks (including bubble and grain growth, dispersion and dissolution, optimization of combustion and burner position, radiation heat transfer, and pollutant dispersion)