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We are thrilled to announce the collaboration between University de Tunis el Manar and University of West Attica. Faculty of Science of Tunis and Fast Analysis and Simulation Team are going to work at 2D and 3D simulations of Hybrid Nanofluid Convection. The collaboration started with the intership of the PhD candidate Oussema Bakourti at September and terminised at November, during that period simualtions performed for the project «Three-dimensional convection of hybrid nanofluid in porous medium with the presence of magnetic field and heat deflector: Entropy Analysis». Morevover, Oussema gave a lecture to the graduating students and more specifically to the students of the class «Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics». |
30/09/2024 |
We are excited to announce the 1st internal chess tournament took place in our lab. After the round Robin competition the internship student Kostia Garde succeeded the highest score and took the first place. At the second place we found our Post Doctoral Researcher Christos Liosis and finally the third place belongs to the internship student Axel Manadi. |
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Intership betweeen UNIWA and CESI École d’ingénieurs is coming to the end. The seven students (Valentin Lampin, Axel Manadi, Arnold Ekelle, Thibaud Ammeter, Josny Kolo and Kostia Garde) attended and developed succesfully various subjects such as Design of Heat Exchangers for Heat Pump Applications, Thermal energy storage on hybrid heat pumps, Aerodynamics study on Turbine blade, Design a Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system and Distribution of smoke through a newtwork of ducts after a fire. The training lasted from July to October 2024. |
Prof. Sarris is a new EuroTherm Committee Member for Greece 30/05/2024 |
We are thrilled to announce that Prof. Sarris have joined the EuroTherm Committee, an organization dedicated to the advancement of thermal sciences and heat transfer in Europe. This opportunity comes with great honor and responsibility, and we are excited to contribute to the ongoing efforts in promoting and developing cutting-edge research and innovations in our field. Prof. Sarris would like to extend his heartfelt thanks to Prof. Thrassos Panidis, University of Patras, Greece, whose distinguished career and contributions have greatly enriched the committee. It is a privilege to follow in his footsteps, and we deeply grateful for his trust and recommendation in selecting us as his successor. Looking forward to collaborating with fellow members and contributing to the impactful work of EuroTherm. |
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We are excited to announce that our Post Doctoral Researchers Dr Liosis Christos and Dr Sofiadis George have receive computational hours at supercomputer Aris. The project Homogeneous Turbulence Model (H.M.T.) qualified for 16th Call for Production Projects Accessing ARIS. |
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We are excited to announce that the University of West Attica will organize the AGRWA Workshop on Agricultural Revitalization on 13-15/5/2024. The Workshop is part of the project Agricultural Revitalization in Higher Education Institutions of Asian Countries which is funded by ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE (Capacity building in the field of higher education). This workshop is a unique opportunity for us to showcase our latest knowledge in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field and its applications to Agriculture. |
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We are thrilled to share exciting news about a distinguished visitor who visited our campus last week. Assistant Professor and coordinator of Mechanical Engineering degree of the Institute polytechnic of Viana do Castelo (IPVC) Adélio Manuel de Sousa Cavadas, an expert in experimental fluid mechanics, visited the University of West Attica (UNIWA). |
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We are thrilled to share exciting news about a distinguished visitor who visited our campus last week. Professor Nazely Diban of Universidad de Cantabria, an expert in bioengineering, visited the University of West Attica (UNIWA). The visit provided a remarkable opportunity for our academic community to engage with Professor Diban’s wealth of knowledge and expertise. Special thanks to our postdocs George Sofiadis, CHRISTOS LIOSIS and Evangelos Karvelas for their active engagement! |
18/12/2023 | Our research collaborator Christos Liosis defended successfully his PhD! Congratulations Dr Liosis !! |
20/7/2023 | We are glad to announce that a member of our research team, Mr Christos Liosis, Ph.D. candidate has received the «Young Researcher Award» in the ICRAFMN-2023 Conference in India. His research interests involve the study of particulate microfluid flow. He is author or co-author of more than 6 papers in international refereed journals and many in conference proceedings. He has more than 84 citations according to Scopus (h-index: 4). Congratulations Christos! Wishing many more awards to come in our team! |
16/06/2023 | We are glad to announce that a member of our research team, miss Kyriaki-Evangelia Aslani, Ph.D. candidate has received the «Most Performing Young Researcher Award» of ModTech Association for the year 2023. ModTech (Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, Iasi-Romania, https://modtech.ro) focuses on the design-research-development-small production in engineering and organizes congresses, conferences, symposiums and workshops. Her research interests involve the study of machining performance using statistical methods, micropolar fluids, ferrohydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics and irreversible thermodynamics. She is author or co-author of more than 15 papers in international refereed journals and conference proceedings. She has more than 235 citations according to Scopus (h-index: 7).Congratulations Kyriaki! Wishing many more awards to come in our team! |
28/01/2022 | Our research collaborator George Sofiadis defended successfully his PhD! Congratulations Dr Sofiadis !! |
17/05/2019 | Two out of three projects of our team are selected for funding under the EDBM scheme! Congratulations Vaggelis, Lefteris, Christos and Nikolas!! |
18/04/2019 | Nikos Sterpis started his PhD in our team! We wish him all the best!! |
07/02/2019 | Stamatina Samiotis started her PhD in our team in the new Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of West Attica, Athens, Greece! We wish her all the best!! |
05/02/2019 | Our research collaborator Evangelos Karvelas defended successfully his PhD! Congratulations Dr Karvelas!! |
27/03/2018 | The new base of our team is now the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece! |
23/02/2018 | Video of the simulations of flapping foils by water waves for energy harvesting systems using openFOAM by N. Lampropoulos is added in: flapping-foils-from-water-waves |
10/02/2018 | H πρώτη συνάντηση της ομάδας για τη νέα χρονιά θα γίνει την Δευτέρα 12/2 στο συνηθισμένο χώρο του εργαστηρίου Μετάδοσης Θερμότητας. Θα έχουμε τα σύντομα σεμινάρια:
16:00-16:45: Γ. Σοφιάδης, «Αεροδυναμική μελέτη γύρω από 3D επιβατικό όχημα με χρήση DDES» Στο τέλος θα γίνει μια γενική ενημέρωση και θα αναφερθούν ερευνητικές δράσεις και προγράμματα. |
08/02/2018 | Η πρότασή μας ‘MagnetoNanoTherapy’ έγινε δεκτή στην πρόσκληση ‘5th Call for Production Projects Accessing ARIS’ και και θα λάβει πόρους (900,000 cpu-hs) στο σύστημα ARIS. |
19/01/2018 | Congrats to our team member Dr Kostantinos Karamanos for receiving the annual award “G. Th. Fotinos” from the Athens Academy of Sciences for 2017 for his paper entitled: «Entropy production of entirely diffusional Laplacian transfer and the possible role of fragmentation of the boundaries» (Fractals, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2015). We wish Kostas all the best!
Συγχαρητήρια στο μέλος της ομάδας Δρ. Κωνσταντίνο Καραμάνο που τιμήθηκε με το ετήσιο βραβείο «Γ. Θ. Φωτεινός» της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών το 2017, για την εργασία του με τίτλο «Entropy production of entirely diffusional Laplacian transfer and the possible role of fragmentation of the boundaries» (Fractals, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2015). Η σχετική ανακοίνωση έχει δημοσιευτεί επίσης στο: http://www.naftemporiki.gr/story/1306565/aponemithikan-ta-brabeia-tis-akadimias-athinon Ευχόμαστε στον Κώστα Πολλές και Μεγαλύτερες Επιτυχίες στο μέλλον! |